Snapshot API: Panorama Extensions

Working with our Panorama geo-demographic segmentation just got easier! Three new features are available in Snapshot that enhance customer address or mobile location files.  For data with only a latitude/longitude coordinate, the tag function will attach the...

New Snapshot API Tools

The library of spatial analysis tools in our Snapshot environment continues to expand, making it easier than ever to use AGS data for a wide range of projects and applications. With the release of the AGS 2020B data series, we have added three related capabilities...

Snapshot Analytic Tools For Site Models

Last week we discussed using simple regression models for site performance models using our Demographic Dimensions database in order to reduce problems of multicollinearity. Often, the software that is used to ‘run the model’ are poorly integrated and may even require...

Data Visualization: Grid Geography

A significant problem with using administrative districts for mapping results from the great discrepancies in their physical size and shape. For example, counties in the eastern United States tend to be small and regular, but the further west you get, the larger and...

Trade Area Benchmarks: Percentiles

I was a skinny kid. I remember hearing over and over at the pediatrician’s office that for my age I was “in the 10th percentile” for weight and perhaps my parents ought to consider feeding me once in a while. Standardized athletic tests. Same thing. In the 10th...