by Gary Menger | Nov 12, 2020 | Menger's Musings
November is here, which means that Thanksgiving is right around the corner. While you will be avoiding awkward political conversations with your Great Aunt Karen, turkeys will be overcooked and not enjoyed by families everywhere. We started to wonder: where are...
by elysehrobinson | Oct 29, 2020 | Menger's Musings
Halloween: a sacred night for children everywhere. Halloween as a child consisted of trick-or-treating with my brothers in our neighborhood and then spending hours in the living room trading candy with each other while my parents begrudgingly handed out candy to the...
by Gary Menger | Oct 15, 2020 | Menger's Musings
Once upon a time, the average person had a modicum of geographic awareness. Most had a Thomas Guide or Rand-McNally atlas on the back seat of the car. To navigate you had to understand the concept of multi-level spatial tiling (using the index) and compass directions,...
by Gary Menger | Sep 24, 2020 | Menger's Musings, Why AGS
Many of the subjects we map in these pages are spatially complex and the choice of geographic scale can have a significant impact on the patterns that appear to the user, especially on the physically limited maps that can be quickly displayed on web pages. Often as...
by Gary Menger | Sep 24, 2020 | Menger's Musings
Over the years, AGS has created a number of data products which have been widely commended as being as interesting and sometimes even fascinating. And many were commercial failures. These days, we are often asked “do you have mobile data?” The GPS enabled mobile...
by Gary Menger | Sep 17, 2020 | Menger's Musings
“There are two things that you should never see being made, sausage and demographics” — Jim Stone, Geovue, 1998. Today we tour the sausage factory, at least as it relates to our recent foray into weekly small area unemployment estimates. Typically, our models...
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